Rachel Maddow: In America Today, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower Would Be Bernie Sanders in the U.S. Senate (Bernie Sanders is the only registered Socialist in the US Senate).  

After reading the article, and given what you know about Eisenhower's position on different issues, write a 300 word minimum letter to either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney as if you were Dwight Eisenhower giving them advice on the economy, the role of government and social welfare.  Post it as a comment to this blog.  

Pedro Paulo Magalhaes
16/9/2012 01:58:18 pm

Dear Willard Mitt Romney,
It is with grand urgency that I send you this letter. My fellow colleague, our country, the United States of America, has partially lost its traditional prestige in recent times. In fact a wave of unprecedented financial crisis hit the United States during the years of 2008 and 2009. However, it is time to rebuilt, to change this horrendous panorama that has been established in our nation, and I see the 2012 elections as a symbol of hope and rebirth. Nevertheless, changing the United States requires courage, boldness, and above all respect for our nation above personal interests. As General of the Army in 1945 I was not afraid to take over the European western-front, as the Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization I was not afraid of leading Europe’s reconstruction, and as a President of the United States I was not afraid of fighting for our people’s social and economic welfare. Mr. Romney I see a great potential within you, but I also see excessive ambition within your character and it is not bound by personal aspirations that a country is ruled. Therefore, I willingly wrote this letter to you to point out some aspects that, as a Presidential candidate, you should consider. Keep in mind that the Government’s role includes balancing the nation’s budget, and not blindly focus on the expansion of the private sector’s income. We still need to tax the rich until the factors of income and outgo are balanced. It is outrageous of your part to amplify the Bush tax cuts, as the enforcement of the Capital Gains Tax is essential for the stabilization of the dollar’s value, and for preventing an accentuated increase in the annual deficit. Moreover, I strongly believe that you are missing infrastructure programs within your proposals. With the presence of such programs I was able to enhance the federal railroad system, enable the existence of hundreds of thousands of jobs to once unemployed workers, and, consequently, I earmarked the 1950’s as the most prosperous decade of our economy. Furthermore, I would like to point out that abolishing the Obamacare and increasing the minimum age to 55 years for the Medicare programs would be prejudicial to the social welfare, as millions of Americans rely on these programs to receive proper medical support. In addition, I strongly oppose your position on the unemployment insurance issue, as, differently from what you argue that unemployment insurances actually serve to discourage individuals from taking jobs, these regulations are determinant for the well-being of approximately 8.1% of our population. Still, I believe that in your proposals there are coherent options to turn around the economy. For example, I consider salutary your efforts regarding the expansion of free trade and commerce, such as in your proposed attempts to move forward with trade agreements with Colombia and South Korea. Mr. Romney I believe that following these advices not only you would obtain my support, but would change the panorama of the elections, and, further on, would change the panorama of the American society.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ms. Garrett
2/10/2012 02:27:31 am

Great job, Pedro Paulo! Well thought out response, nice use of history to back your argument for current policy proposals.

Athavan Balendran
17/9/2012 10:58:18 am

Dear Barack Hussein Obama,

First of all I would like to commend you on becoming the 44th president of the United States of America, joining myself and many other great individuals. This honor does not come without a consequence however and to become a great president you must do important things. As you may know I am a republican so it is a bit odd that I am giving advice to you. However I am speaking to you, because unlike republicans of today you are the only big political figure who is close to sharing some of my views as president. The republicans of today want to cut taxes for the rich believing that the rich will be able to use their saved money into the ecnonomy. You however have decided against an even tax for all and to tax the rich more. While Mitt goes around paying under 15% percent in taxes I agree with your point to tax the rich more. During my era there was 92% tax bracket for the rich and I am a republican. Even though the Republican party is no where close to the ideals of republicans of the past, the democrats like you can fill that role. Sure you are close, but in my opinion you are too much of a centralist. You took a lot of slack during your first 4 years because you were deemed indecisive. That is what happens when you stay down the middle, sure you woo the voters and the people with your ideas, but when it comes down to getting to congress to act, only a strong opinion will work. Your stance of worker unions is too centralist, I believed and states “Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of their right to join the union of their choice”, and a strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part of our industrial society. (Maddow). Though you and I may differ on these issues slightly, we both have an interest in the social welfare of the people as well the conditions and pay for worker, though it may have been more a problem in my time than yours. During my time however I worked to increase the military size and strength so that we would be safe and it would help the economy. You however are pulling out of important wars that can help the economy. The Republican party has lost its grace of what it once was starting all the way back to Thomas Jefferson. Now even democrats are too left of the ideals of the 60’s. As you run for president again, remember that you can be as central as you want, but like your first term, you won’t get anything done without a strong opinion. Since I cannot convince the republicans to take up my formal ideas, you seem to be the last hope. Choose Wisely Mr. President, and good luck with the election.


Dwight. D. Eisenhower

Ms. Garrett
2/10/2012 02:31:32 am

It's "centrist" (not "centralist"). The framing of your argument with Obama as a moderate centrist democrat being closer to the Republican party of Ike's generation makes sense and is well done, but you lost me when you got to specifics. I didn't really understand the labor union argument and I'm surprised that being Eisenhower, that is the one you would focus on. Just a thought.

Anna Pearson
30/9/2012 07:10:36 am

Dear Willard Mitt Romney,
I write to you today as a trusted advisor but also with concern for the impact of your policies on the future of America. You have the power to change the face of America; however, I want you to think about what kind of America you really want to see for your kids and future generations. The first issue is on Social Security and Medicare. Your plan is to implement vouchers for future senior citizens to choose a plan for retirement, whether they choose Medicare or a private insurance provider. In essence you will privatize Medicare. No longer will there be guaranteed rights to Medicare benefits. For social security, your plan would result in large cuts to over 40% of benefits to many workers. My advice to you is to not limit the rights of Americans. You must protect America and protect your children. Security is one essential right than every American is entitled to, so don’t make the mistake of taking away the Security of millions of Americans. Ensure that your children are entitled to benefits and increase the help you can give by making sure everyone has access to Social Security and Medicare. On government, you have no definite plan on how to reduce the deficit. You want to reduce taxes without any plan on how to keep the budget balanced. My advice is to only lower taxes knowing that you can keep the budget balanced so you won’t increase the deficit. Keep the government small to reduce spending but don’t lose the programs to help the needy and the aged. Limit the role of central government but keep the necessary national beneficial programs in place. As far as economy, a “hands off” approach is best. I applaud your efforts to try and keep the national government smaller because it is important to maintaining state and central government balance. I also agree with your actions to increase defense spending. Some of your goals are made with the right mindset; however, some aspects of your policies may cause your goals to be viewed as too conservative or too far to the right. My suggestion for you is to return to a central path of conservatism for America that will benefit America’s policies but will also increase voters in the upcoming 2012 election. I am worried that drifting too far to the right may impact your result in the election, so take my advice and you will have the power to change the face of America.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ms. Garrett
2/10/2012 02:33:45 am

Good job framing the issues. Your opinions as Eisenhower are accurate--it would have been even stronger had you used some historical examples to back up your policy prescriptions.

Mari T.
1/10/2012 12:49:08 pm

Dear Mitt Romney,
I can proudly say, that I have been a true American citizen. I was General of the Army, the Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and most of all the president of the United States. In all of these positions I represented nothing but the people of America. As a president I represented the people and fought for their social and economic well-being. I am very proud to say that I have helped my country in every way that I could, in the 2012 elections I see that there is a threat to this very country. I am writing this letter to help you and America. You clearly have the potential to become president; however, there are a few things you have to keep in mind. First of all I must say, rule the country, for the country. Being president has a very high status and many do what they wish with it; however, Romney, I must say, being a president that has helped the country in every way they can is so much more fulfilling. There is nothing better than doing something and being successful with it. Many say that being president cannot have any relation with the person you are. I must say that is very wrong: being president is about doing what is best for your country, and you will know you have done it when you feel well with yourself. If you know that you are doing the best you can and that you are faithfully working for the people of America, this same people will know that too. Do not , in any case, do something to look good to the people, is you are good to America , the people will also know it. Now be careful with your plans. I understand that you have been planning on privatizing Medicare, with all due respect, I must say that would hinder progress in America. Referring to the changes in social security that you plan to be made, I could say the same thing: many workers would lose 40% of all their benefits. Those plans, even though I do see a potential as president in you, must be thought over. You must be very careful with your decisions, you are going to change a country and all the peoples in it lives. Although you might need some training there could be some future. Please respond to this with new ideas and thoughts on what I have said, I truly believe that we can work this out; however we would need to change something.
D. D. Eisenhower

Mari T.
1/10/2012 12:49:25 pm

Dear Mitt Romney,
I can proudly say, that I have been a true American citizen. I was General of the Army, the Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and most of all the president of the United States. In all of these positions I represented nothing but the people of America. As a president I represented the people and fought for their social and economic well-being. I am very proud to say that I have helped my country in every way that I could, in the 2012 elections I see that there is a threat to this very country. I am writing this letter to help you and America. You clearly have the potential to become president; however, there are a few things you have to keep in mind. First of all I must say, rule the country, for the country. Being president has a very high status and many do what they wish with it; however, Romney, I must say, being a president that has helped the country in every way they can is so much more fulfilling. There is nothing better than doing something and being successful with it. Many say that being president cannot have any relation with the person you are. I must say that is very wrong: being president is about doing what is best for your country, and you will know you have done it when you feel well with yourself. If you know that you are doing the best you can and that you are faithfully working for the people of America, this same people will know that too. Do not , in any case, do something to look good to the people, is you are good to America , the people will also know it. Now be careful with your plans. I understand that you have been planning on privatizing Medicare, with all due respect, I must say that would hinder progress in America. Referring to the changes in social security that you plan to be made, I could say the same thing: many workers would lose 40% of all their benefits. Those plans, even though I do see a potential as president in you, must be thought over. You must be very careful with your decisions, you are going to change a country and all the peoples in it lives. Although you might need some training there could be some future. Please respond to this with new ideas and thoughts on what I have said, I truly believe that we can work this out; however we would need to change something.
D. D. Eisenhower

Ms. Garrett
2/10/2012 02:38:20 am

The first part of your letter is nice, but it is mainly fluff about the honor of being President. When you give advice to Romney on not cutting Medicare or some other policy prescription, you need to give a reason that is based on evidence, experience, ideology, something and not just an assertion that it would "hinder progress." Why would it hinder progress? Why, would you, as Eisenhower, as a Republican support preserving Medicare which is part of the welfare state? You need to give reasons.

Gabriella Freeman
2/10/2012 06:51:42 am

Dear Mitt Romney,

Our beloved country, the United States of America, is facing issues it can easily avoid, if you listen and consider my advice, regarding government, social security and medical care. You have the honour of beholding the power to change America, not only for the higher classes, but for the lower classes too. Can you imagine what the United States will be like in a few years time if your suggestions are taken to hand and acted upon? Our country hit rock bottom in 2008 with a massive financial crisis, and surely you don’t want that to happen again. You encourage reducing taxes, however you fail to present a plan on how to keep finances from going under again. Your intentions are obviously good, though I believe you should revise your plans to make sure that reducing taxes will not trigger an increase of deficit. Make sure you don’t risk the important things that government supports, such as help for he elderly or the needy, as you will one day be elderly and may regret taking away their beneficial programmes. The next issue is you social security and medical care policy suggestions. As I said, you mean well, but maybe you haven’t thought things through completely. These are both very important topics, as you hold peoples benefits and live standard in the palms of your hands. Allowing people to choose a retirement plan, is a decent suggestion, however making them choose between Medicare or private insurance is not acceptable. People, despite their social classes, should be entitled to medical care at all times, as well as social security. What is the point of having one but not the other? American citizens deserve to have the right of access to social security, and medicate, regardless. If you are elected, then you will be granted an enormous amount of power over the United States of America. Take advantage of that power to change the country in a positive way, and think always about the future generations, and yourself in a few years, who will have to live with the changes you enforce.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Thiago Gatto
3/10/2012 10:33:19 am

Dear Williard Mitt Romney,
It is not a coincidence that people name the 1950s, the time in which I was president, from 1953 until 1961, the “happy days” of America. Even though the world was going through a much disputed competition between us and the “reds”, the American people had no reason to be sad, they could do what they wanted while benefitting from the booming of the dominant American economy. I believe in you, I am not coming here just because I believe Obama is leading us towards a terrible end with his regressive economic policies that have placed him as the president who had the worst economic results in the first 2.5 years of term of the past 60 years. But the reason why I am here is not because he is a bad president, but because I am sure that you can and will be a good one! In my time unemployment was really low, inflation did not go over two percent and personal income increased by 45 percent. I believe you can take America back to the apse of its economy once again. We need someone with a strong heart, just as you have; the protest against The Employee Free Choice Act was one of the most explicit demonstrations that you can put our great nation’s economy in the right track by imposing stricter economic policies and adding a competition edge to our nation, and also the idea of capping non-defense discretionary spending at inflation minus 1% and veto any budget that exceeds that cap is an excellent tactic to balance the budget, as this was one of my main priorities during my presidency, and should be put in practice as soon as possible. Furthermore, since the experience with Obama has shown that the management of business by politicians was terrible, you should make that businessman should negotiate trade with foreigners in order to protect patents, designs and technologies is a great idea that would certainly give the American investor a new hope! My fellow Romney, you are the best option that the U.S has had in many years and I am completely sure that the American people will not let an opportunity to elect a president like you simply pass. I deposit in you all my hopes for a better America and believe that you will do a splendid job as the next president of the United States of America.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sarah Godoy
3/10/2012 12:56:30 pm

Fellow Candidate Obama,
I have been closely observing your presidential campaign, and after cautiously examining it, I have to admit that statistically speaking, your percentage of approval and support has deeply impressed me: 92 percent of the people who watched the delivery of your speech on CBS are believed to approve your proposals and CNN has reported that 84 percent of the people had a positive response. However, by being fortunate to serve during the greatest economic expansion in the 20th century America, I have started to establish higher standards for presidential candidates, since the prosperity of the 21st century society should be even more extensive than that in which the greatest economic expansion in all times was encountered. Yes, an 84 percent positive response to a presidential campaign is an impressive mark, but is it the best you can get? Maybe, but here’s an advice: think twice on the proposals you’ve been making, mainly in what refers to social welfare. You’ve broadened to a way too ample extent the state authority on social welfare rather than increasing federal autonomy on the issue. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families established under your government have proven to be far from successful- nearly half of the families who left the program did not leave because a parent found work, but many lost assistance because they had no other sources of income. Now in order to correct this mistake committed by your administration, you want to let the states individually choose the reforms they want to establish, but have you ever stopped to think that this reform could automatically translate into people not having to work and train for a job, as the states could decide to, independently from having or even seeking a job, send people a welfare check? Yes, you persist in defending this cause as it is theoretically aimed at “improving employment outcomes”, but the reform TANF needs is not to assist those who don’t work- it should rather encourage them to seek jobs by implementing a reform similar to the one I put into action during my mandate, the Social Security Amendments Act, which added almost another 5 million people (doctors, lawyers, dentists, architects, accountants and other professionals as well as clergymen) into Social Security. I also deeply encourage you to aim your proposals at infrastructure projects, which not only pave the way for progress as they support the economy but also promote a significant amount of jobs, projects that can be inspired by my Interstate Highway System. Now for a compliment, congratulations on your stance on tax cuts. You are way ahead of your opponent Romney is what refers to tax cuts- continue touching on broad concepts such as raising tax rates and abolishing twists on millionaires and billionaires, for past experience has proven that the tax increase on the higher socio-economic classes are successful in raising the nation’s economy (you see, the economy of the United States of America did not randomly experience its greatest economic 20th century expansion during my mandate). My last message to you is the following: take these advices for granted and I assure that the gap between Democrats and Republicans in the 21st century American society, which has been reducing more dramatically each time, is ultimately reduced even further. Keep in mind that plans are nothing my friend; planning is everything.



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