The UKIP, Britain's anti-EU fringe party, might not have a chance of winning elections or of unseating the Lib Dems as Britain's premier third party, but they might have a significant impact on the Conservative Party (Tories) by moving them to the right and strengthening the Euroskeptic wing.  

What does this say about Britain's relationship with Britain?  What does this say about the Tories and the Euroskeptics?  What does this say about the future of the EU?  What about Third Parties in Britain?
Jun 9th 2012 |
 The UKIP insurgency: It is time to take the anti-EU fringe party seriously, not least for its impact on the Tories  

ANGRY insurgents rarely prosper in British politics. Two big things help explain this: voting rules and sniggering. Britain's first-past-the-post voting system is rather brutal to small parties. And if electoral rules do not snare a would-be demagogue then mocking laughter probably will. It is a brave politician who stands before British voters, face red and voice shaking with fury. There is always the risk that at some climactic moment a heckler will interrupt, posing a variant on the ancient British question: just who do you think you are?

How, then, to explain the rise of Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), an insurgent (and at times quite angry) outfit devoted to Britain's withdrawal from the European Union? Once a near-irrelevance, UKIP haunts the thoughts of politicians across Westminster. The explanation lies in Mr Farage's talent for turning both Britain's voting system and its traditions of pomposity-pricking mockery to his advantage.

UKIP does not need to win a single House of Commons seat at the next general election to have an outsized impact. The party just needs to threaten, credibly, to siphon off enough Conservative votes to deny David Cameron's party victory in a decisive number of seats: a disastrous fate in a first-past-the-post system. In happier times such a menace might unite Conservatives against UKIP. These are not happy times.

Battered by grim economic news and a string of government U-turns, the Conservatives are some ten points behind Labour in the polls. Almost two-thirds of Tory voters say that they would like to leave the EU. On the party's right, the fact that Mr Cameron wants to stay in the union (and argues that an EU referendum is needed only if Britain is asked to hand more powers to Europe) fuels suspicion that he is not a proper Conservative. His decision to go into coalition with the pro-European Liberal Democrats after the 2010 general election fits the same narrative (right-wingers think he should have chanced a second, snap election).

Though UKIP draws some support from the left and boasts a hard core of voters furious at all big parties, recent gains have come disproportionately from Tory ranks. UKIP's current policy platform is a land grab of terrain ceded by Tory modernisers. It includes a five-year freeze on permanent immigration, increased military spending, a return to selective grammar schools, calling global warming “not proven” and ending smoking bans in pubs.

Mr Farage has begun briefing that local Conservative associations have begged him to consider joint Tory-UKIP candidates at the next general election. Recent opinion polls put UKIP within a point or two of the Lib Dems in either direction (though polls traditionally understate Lib Dems' local strengths). UKIP's next goal is to increase its foothold in local councils, he says, building grassroots networks in conscious emulation of the Lib Dems.

Why good cheer can work

If Mr Farage is adept at maximising his clout within the British electoral system, he is—as importantly—good at the derisive bit of politics. He is skilled at supplying disillusioned voters with arguments to sustain their rage. Yet at the same time, his public persona is cheeky and cheerful: he sometimes seems to heckle himself.

At a recent public meeting outside Bristol, in south-west England, Mr Farage played the packed room (Tory-faithful types, ranging from pensioners in blazers to brawny small businessmen) like a virtuoso. Tiny model Spitfire fighters flashing at his shirt-cuffs, Mr Farage told the crowd what it wanted to hear. Britain is run by “college kids”. The dead of two world wars are being betrayed by Westminster politicians “impotent” to defend democracy. Britain has turned its back on its “kith and kin” in the Commonwealth. It is an “outrage” that eastern Europeans can come and claim benefits. “Charity begins at home,” shouted Mr Farage, and the 250-strong crowd roared.

Questions from the floor were darkly angry. Could Britain be trapped into bailing out the euro by some hidden EU mechanism? Was “political Zionism” behind the world's woes?

Mr Farage turned the mood upbeat. He described how his post as a Eurosceptic group leader in the European Parliament had earned him a meeting with Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel (cue chuckles). He had asked if it might be kinder to free Greece and other debtor nations from the euro-zone “prison”. He mimicked Mrs Merkel's solemn reply: that countries leaving the euro would end “the European dream”. The crowd cheered gleefully. He urged the questioner worried about Zionism to beware conspiracy theories: “We must, must, must be optimistic.”

Five counties to the east, such optimism is on display in Ramsey, a Cambridgeshire market town which is home to the only UKIP-controlled council in Britain. Ramsey's UKIP councillors take turns cleaning the public lavatories, clearing dog mess and patrolling local pubs at weekends. Pete Reeve, a UKIP councillor, spent the Diamond Jubilee celebrations dressed as the town's mascot, a furry ram. Yet Mr Reeve (interviewed in his ram suit while wartime melodies such as “We'll Meet Again” boomed from loudspeakers) also explained, earnestly, that Eurocrats were trying to build a European army and an electricity grid controlled in Brussels, so that in a few years Britain might not be able to leave the EU. Immigration is a big issue in Ramsey, he added, citing complaints about local factory jobs reserved for Polish-speakers.

In short, UKIP is trying something ambitious: upbeat protest politics for angry, anti-political voters. Will this achieve Mr Farage's short-term goal of supplanting the Lib Dems as Britain's third party? It may not matter. Mr Farage's real dream is to reshape Britain, by pulling the Conservatives to the right and bouncing Mr Cameron into a referendum on EU membership. If he pulls that off, his insurgency will be no laughing matter. 

Political conflict over Europe continues

Blog post by Ken Wedding (read below):

It seems that the issue of how European the UK should become is always on the table in Britain. This time it's not monetary union, but law enforcement union.

If you read enough of the entries here, you have heard about the differences between adversarial justice systems and inquisitorial systems. It's probably not crucial, but there's another difference involved in this issue: the differences between common law systems and civil law systems. If your students are conversant in all those concepts, they'll be better able to write free responses.

The guns of war: Plans to opt out of EU criminal-justice measures will prompt a fight over Britain’s role in Europe

Prime Minister David Cameron told reporters his country would be exercising its right to opt out of a mass of European policing and crime measures…

At issue are about 130 criminal-justice arrangements… access to police databases, membership of Europol and Eurojust… and prisoner transfers. The Lisbon treaty, which came into effect in 2009, converts them from non-binding agreements into mainstream laws enforceable by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) after November 2014… Britain and Ireland, common-law countries in a sea of civil law, got the right to opt out…

Many in Europe find the government’s reluctance to sign on the dotted line incomprehensible. But there is widespread unease in Britain over how some arrangements are working… Local courts have little discretion in executing other countries’ arrest warrants, even when varying standards of procedural fairness and respect for human rights make nonsense of the mutual recognition that underpins the system…

What of the domestic audience? Tory Eurosceptics are pressing for an in-out referendum on EU membership. To Mr Cameron, who does not want one, tossing them the opt-out may appeal as a placatory gesture…

But opting out would enrage the Tories’ Lib Dem coalition partners, who fought the 2010 election on a pledge to keep Britain “fully engaged” in EU crime policies and are sick of reneging on their promises. Parliament is guaranteed a vote and should get it about a year before the next election. By then the coalition partners could well be at daggers drawn, and the Lib Dems join Labour against an opt-out, in a sign of allegiances to come.

Gabriella Goldenstein
25/10/2012 03:15:51 am

United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) wants Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. The UKIP does not need a seat in the House of Commons to have their impact. The only thing they need is to threaten to take out Conservative votes to deny the Conservative’s victory in a key number of seats. The Conservatives are lower than the Labour according to polls, and most of the Conservative voters wants to see the UK leave the EU. However, Cameron wants to stay in the union and argues that a referendum to decide this matter will only be needed if the uK is asked to hand more powers to Europe. Mr. Farage (UKIP’s leader) has told that Conservative associations are asking him to consider joint Tory-UKIP candidates at the next election. There was a public meeting in Bristol, where Farage pleased the people, telling them what they wanted to hear. Britain' government is ruled by “college kids”. "The dead of two world wars are being betrayed by Westminster politicians “impotent” to defend democracy. Britain has turned its back on its “kith and kin” in the Commonwealth. It is an “outrage” that eastern Europeans can come and claim benefits. “Charity begins at home” he said, and the people went wild.

Julia Souza
25/10/2012 09:50:52 am

Are the LibDems threatened of losing their post as the United Kingdom’s third party? It may not come to that, but the UKIP is definitely influencing many voters that are simply angry about politics in the UK. The party is mostly known for its Euroskeptic ideals; they support Britain’s complete withdrawal from the European Union. However, they also have a strong anti-immigration policy and do not believe in a welfare state. The UKIP would be what we call a radical rightist party. Since the Conservative Party has become a bit more moderate, the UKIP serves as an alternative party for the extreme traditionalists in Britain that still hold on to old-fashioned values. I personally think that having these other political parties rise to power is crucial in a democracy. Even though a plurality system leads to a two-party system, it is crucial that other parties also exist. They are there to keep the two major parties in check and make sure the power does not rise to their heads. The UKIP may not win many seats in the House of Commons, but they are definitely stirring up confusion in Great Britain. They serve as a great example of how minority parties may have an influence on the country’s political future.

25/10/2012 10:49:36 am

The first-past-the-port electoral system in the United Kingdom is cruel to small parties, but there are exceptions. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) stands strongly in favor of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, and doesn’t need any seat to spread their word: they just need enough conservative votes to deny the victory of David Cameron. It turns out that 2/3 of the Tory party now agrees with leaving the EU. The UKIP is harsh against immigrants, which shows its “euroskeptic” characteristic, as it has a more nationalist view on UK. This brings up the question of the electoral system in the UK again. Well, sure the party found its ways to impose their political views, but there is still a better way to be represented. These parties have to influence people “the other way around” because they are not proportionally represented in government. If they are, as in PR, the influence they have will be fair in accordance to popular support. Of course, even if parties are proportionally represented, there will be allies and larger blocks defending some ideas, but still, they are equally represented.

Liz Costa
25/10/2012 11:55:23 am

The issue at hand is Britain’s withdrawal of the European Union and the diverging ideas concerning this matter. The United Kingdom Independence party believes it is best if Britain leaves the Union and they enforce their ideas not through the seat of the House of Commons but by using their inner battle with the Conservative party to have their concerns heard. The Conservatives need the voters and the voters want to see the UK out of the union. David Cameron however believes it is of extreme importance the remainder of the British in the Union arguing that the alliance would only be an issue if the European Union wants to have more powers over UK. The UKIP leader said that there is a proposal for the Independence party to join the Tories at the next election. The idea that the UKIP leader is saying is a government ruled by “college kids”. His speech is very engaging and charismatic. The UKIP is not about actually having the seats since their repercussion is now a source of stir and polemic in Britain.

Marina Oliveira
25/10/2012 05:09:09 pm

The UKIP has been using the fact that many voters are furious at the larger parties to influence votes and impact the general election without needing a single seat in the House of Commons. The strategy used by Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party is a way to try to balance the first-pat-post voting system of the UK, which disfavors small parties, such as the UKIP. Farage has been threatening the Conservatives credibility in such a way that could be decisive to the number of seats in the next election. The Labour Party is already ten points ahead in the polls and with two-thirds of Conservative voters wanting to leave the EU, while David Cameron wants to stay, the Tory situation has only been complicating. Mr. Farage has stated how Conservative associations have wanted to create ties between the tories and UKIP for the next election, so even though the UKIP does not win over the Liberal Democrats they are little by little increasing their influence in Britain. I personally think that the UKIP has been trying a legitimate way to gain power since the voting system in the UK is extremely favorable for big parties, leaving the small ones aside, despite the fact that their presence and influence is important to conserve democracy.


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