Real reform with real cojones...or is it politically savvy to take on some of those factional interests in your own party, the PRI, that don't align with your agenda and with that of your tecnico-friends/supporters? Will education reform be real?  Will it be effective or are they just trying to cut spending on education?  Or are they just trying to tame the Teacher's Union? Is this really about labor reform?  Is arresting Elba Esther Gordillo a sign of true cojones and not being afraid to stand up to vested interests and fighting corruption or is is just a way to get rid of a albatross around the PRI's neck and be seen to be fighting corruption in certain areas and talking about education (which is a real concern for voters)? Will PEMEX be privatized? Is he really taking on Carlos Slim and Televisa?  Is this about a free press or is Carlos Slim the equivalent of a Berezovsky or Khodorkovsky, an oligarch whose power must be tamed because there is a new sheriff in town?  Is this really about power?  Is this why Peña Nieto has come in guns ablazing?

WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Read these articles and write a 300 word response.   

Read the following articles on Peña Nieto so far and comment...
on the Drug War?
on Education reform?
Vigilante Justice? 
Tackling corruption?
Other reforms? 
Peña Nieto's first 100 Days:
 On Drug War: 
On Education Reform and arrest of Elba Esther Gordillo and showdown with Teacher's Union: (Historic education reform?) (Those who can't teach, strike)

Vigilante Justice in Mexico...when the state fails to serve and protect...,0,4249646.story 

Corruption, Free Press, Televisa, Telecom Regulation, and the richest man in the world--Carlos Slim

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